Sake media

Tel: 025-378-2631

1-951 2-chome Hakusanura, Chuo-ku, Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture

Month: June 2019

Sake and meal

Important area for sake brewing! 7 recommended sakes in Hyogo

Hyogo Prefecture is one of Japan's three major forests, and is known as the birthplace of Mr. Tamba, who was sought after from all over Japan for his high technology in sake brewing.Among the famous waters in Japan, there is Miyamizu in Nishinomiya, which has a high reputation as a top class, and it is called the best in Japan […]
Fukushima Sake Daishichi

Fukushima's sake is a hidden secret from the Gold Prize Winners

Due to the B-class gourmet boom, Kitakata ramen and Aizu sauce cutlet bowl.Fukushima Prefecture has received high praise as things like Fukushima dumplings have become widely known.In fact, in terms of sake production in prefectures, it is the 7th largest in Japan and among the XNUMX prefectures, it digs into the top […]
Miyagi sake urasaka

Pure rice prefecture! 7 recommended sakes in Miyagi

Speaking of Miyagi prefecture, the city of trees is famous as a land developed by the famous and popular Sengoku warrior "Date Masamune".Regarding sake brewing, Date Masamune, who loved sake, took the trouble to call in sake brewers from Yamato (now Nara Prefecture). […]
Niigata Sake Koshino Kanbai

The finest sake! 7 popular sake brands in Niigata

Niigata Prefecture is a region where rice is the source of sake, and sake is widely known as a delicious source of sake.Heavy snowfall occurs in winter, and in some areas the buildings are completely covered, but the harsh winter cold and abundant thaw water are good days […]
Wakayama sake Kido

Wakayama sake from around the world! 5 recommended sakes

Speaking of Wakayama, there are historical tourism resources such as Kumano Kodo and Koyasan, and it is a land registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.While attracting attention from people all over the world, the number of foreign tourists is increasing year by year, and it is bustling with people.Also, it is a little late from UNESCO designation as a World Heritage Site […]
Akita Sake Takashimizu Izakaya

Top 5 sakes in Akita that are famous for rice.

There are sake breweries all over the country, but Akita Prefecture in Tohoku is a land that has gained tremendous trust from sake fans.Speaking of Akita, it's rice.Since rice is the raw material for sake, sake made in Akita, where rice is delicious, is also very popular with sake fans and has great support […]
North Katsu Sake Brewery

A treasure trove of food! XNUMX selected sakes from Hokkaido

Hokkaido is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan.It is well known that Hokkaido, which boasts the largest area of ​​all prefectures, is a treasure trove of mountain and seafood and ingredients.Missing in various ingredients that make the best use of the nature of Hokkaido […]