Cool the chocolate containing the sake with ice

The number of sake that can be chilled and delicious is rapidly increasing!

A cherry blossom petal is floating in a glass with sake

Recently, the number of people who rediscover the charm of sake is increasing, but the style of chilling and drinking is also a great attraction in order to enjoy sake easily.

Free timeGinjo sake, unfiltered raw sake, and sparkling sake, which have been popular in recent years, are all delicious when they are cooled..

In the past, it was natural to drink warmly until about 30 years ago. .

In particular, the days of intensely hot days come every year as usual.Cold sake is no longer an essential item for living.

When you drink cold sake in a kinkin poured into a glass with plenty of ice, you will realize that summer has come this year.


Beginners can get along with sake if they come from cold sake.

Snacks with cucumber and bonito

Cold sake loves sake! Of course,Easy to recommend especially for people who have not drunk yet.

Unlike other alcoholic beverages, the best part of sake is that it can be enjoyed in a wide range of temperatures. That said, for those who are not accustomed to sake, there are many people who are not good at the unique swelled scent and alcohol odor that can be obtained by making a meal.

Cold sake is a must-try for sake beginners! Almost all drinks such as beer, highball, and strawberry high are chilled.

For those who are used to such cold drinks,If sake is cold, you should be familiar with it..For aperitif and toast liquor, sparkling sake, which has recently been gaining popularity, is also goodIt will be.

If you cool it down, you can enjoy the refreshing carbon dioxide and refreshing throat that was not found in traditional sake, and it is inevitable that you will overturn the fixed idea of ​​sake!

Also, cold sakeCan be enjoyed like wineIs also a big attraction. Wine glasses are perfect for tasting the rich and delicate aromas of Ginjo-shu.

in addition,If you drink in a wine glass, you can produce a stylish and stylish feelingI am also happy.

Sake is popular among women who tend to shy away from being cool, uncle-san, and so on. The social media, such as Instagram, is also perfect.

By the way, from 2011,"Delicious Sake Awards in a Wine Glass"The contest also started.

The purpose is to increase the appearance of sake across three borders (generations, cuisine genres, and countries) and expand demand through the popularization of drinking sake in wine glasses.

The jury is a brewing engineer such as the Japan Brewery Association advisor, the director of the Japan Sake Brewery Association Central Council, and approximately 35 professionals such as distributors and liquor journalists. A sensory examination is performed in the blind and evaluated at the 7 stage.

In 9, the 2019 year, there are 250 entries from 883 companies all over Japan.


Delicious chilling

It seems that ice is put in a small ball to cool the translucent sake bottle

By chilling well, the taste of cold sake will be further improved. I will introduce how to cool it deliciously.

・ Immerse in ice water to cool

How to cool ice cream with bottles or sake by adding ice water to a bowl or bowl.

While leaving a gentle and soft taste,You can balance the overall aroma and taste. This is the method I would like to recommend the most.

・ Cool in the refrigerator

It is a very easy way to cool it in the refrigerator.

However, as it slowly cools with the air in the refrigerator,Compared to the case where it is soaked in ice water, it tends to be somewhat savory..

・ Cool quickly in a freezer

If you put it in the freezer and let it cool, you can quickly lower the temperature.

This is a convenient way to quickly cool down,The aroma and taste are confined, creating a hard and solid impression.


Convenient and stylish! Let's use cold sake goods

A smiling woman with a muffler talking about using cold sake goods

・ Cold Sake Carafe

A glass carafe body with ice pockets.You can keep the cool cold without diluting the sake..

Variations such as bright blue only in the pocket, refreshing green, and elegant purple colored glass are abundant.

In addition, there are things with a snow flake pattern on the body part and those with gold leaf,Choose according to taste and seasonI am also happy.

・ Glass

Hario, a well-known manufacturer of tea and other tea utensils, also makes cold drinks. The stylish and elegant design reminiscent of a teapot is attractive, and it is perfect for Western-style interiors.

The ice in the included ice holder does not touch the sake directly, so you can keep it cool without diluting it.. Because it is made of glass, it looks cool.

Various designs are available, such as round ones and octagonal ones.

・ Coldware cool sake cooler set

For those who want glass, but want to enjoy a Japanese taste, how about a ceramic sake bottle?

Stand the stainless steel tube in the largest container,Cold sake cooler set that contains sake with sake.

By putting plenty of ice around,Keep the temperature of cold sake firmly and you can enjoy delicious cold sake until the end.

The glass is perfect for those who are worried that they will break soon and who want to treat foreign friends and acquaintances with Japanese-style production.


The correct answer is not one! Enjoy freely with various ways of drinking

Drink with lime slices

~ Refreshing and refreshing! Cold edition

·on the rocks

A style of pouring Japanese sake into a rock glass with iceis. Unfiltered raw sake, etc.How to drink alcohol with a rich and firm taste or with a high alcohol contentNow, it will be transformed into summer specifications.

A typical on-the-rock and delicious sake is brewed by Kinoshita Sake Brewery (Kyotango City, Kyoto Prefecture).Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Raw Sake “Ice Breaker”It will be.

You can enjoy endless changes in temperature, alcohol content and taste according to how the ice melts.

By the way, Ice Breaker is in English"Things that relieve tension, things that soften the place and atmosphere"Meaning of. It's a good name for sake, which also serves as a communication tool.

There is only a warehouse with Mr. Philip Harper, the Englishman, and the sense of English is shining. The design of the label with penguin is cool and very cute.

It is so popular that every year there is a battle between liquor stores.

・ Water split

Style of pouring sake into glass and dividing with wateris. The amount of water depends on your preference,

The recommended guideline is"Sake: Water = 8: 2". If you want a firmer taste, use hard water, and if you want a softer and softer taste, use soft water.

Drinking method suitable for high-grade raw sake and types prepared with ginger and mountain ruins.

・ Sake highball

A style in which sake is poured into a glass with plenty of ice and then split with carbonated Speaking of highballs, it is common to use whiskey, but Japanese sake is also very good.

If you want to enjoy a clear and refreshing feeling,We recommend strong carbonated water types such as “Wilkinson Tansan” and “Iga Natural Water Strong Carbonated Water”..

Both do not contain sweeteners or flavors, so they add a pleasant and refreshing feeling without compromising the original taste and sweetness of sake.

Such as lion, sudachi, kabosuAdd a little bit of Japanese citrus slicesAnd you can taste a refreshing freshness. The only problem is that you drink too much (laughs)

・ Sake Sangria

This sake sangria can be enjoyed by women and sake beginners without any resistance.

Easy to make.Just put your favorite fruit and sake in a sealed container and let them sleep in the refrigerator for a few hours.

Because it has plenty of colorful fruits and looks gorgeous, it is perfect for home parties.

Unexpected combination of “Sake x Fruit”So if you post on SNS, you'll surely get a reputation.

・ Sake Mojito

The original mojito is made with white rum, which is a sake version.

Put mint leaves, ice, sake, carbonated water in a long glass that has been chilled in advance and add lime..

It's a refreshing max drink that won't be missed in the summer or after taking a bath.

・ Sake ginger ale split

Often used for highballsHow to drink Japanese sake with ginger ale.

The recommended ratio is“Sake: Ginger Ale = 1: 1”. It is a cocktail that guarantees that even Japanese sake beginners can go crazy.

Choose a ginger ale that is dryAnd good.

・ Sleet wine

Mizore Sake is a frozen Japanese sake in a sherbet.

Sake usually freezes at around minus 8 ° C, but it can be kept in a liquid state until around minus 15 ° C by slowly and gently chilling in a special refrigerator. this“Supercooling”Is called.

In this state, it freezes at a stretch with a slight vibration, so when poured into a glass, a sleet like a sorbet is produced.

The pure white beauty reminiscent of a snowy landscape is the coolness of the ball.When you take a bite, the sleet melts gently in your mouth, spreading the flavor and aroma..

A sherbet that only adults are allowed to enjoy is worth trying. If you see it at a bar or bar, try it without hesitation.

For those who want to make it easily at home,Tamanoko Sake Brewery (Kyoto, Kyoto)Easy to use.

The brand name is “Junmai Ginjo Tamanomitsu“ Mizore ”Blue Pack”. It is also fun to make an original cocktail by dividing it with your favorite juice or liqueur.

・ Nigori Sake Cocktail

A sweet and umami-type active niger sake is a “Japanese-Western liquor” drink that is dripped with 2 to 3 drops of dark rum (a dark brown and strong rum).Is also an ant.

The recommended Nigori Sake is from the Summer Sake Brewery (Nagai City, Yamagata Prefecture)"Shinhaha". Mr. Kuramoto also recommends dividing this niger sake with milk.

"Sake x Milk"When I first heard it, I felt that it was too strange, but when I tried it, I was surprised by the deliciousness that exceeded my expectations. This is a great way to prevent summer heat.

~ Hot and warm! Hot edition ~

Fin liquor

·Hot water allocation

First put hot water into the glass, then pour sake into it.. The recommended amount of hot water is the same as water split"Sake: Water = 8: 2".

Use hard water to match seafood dishes and soft water to drink with vegetable dishes.And you can snuggle up to the taste of each dish.

・ Split water tank

A method of making sake after dividing sake with about 10% wateris. It is a drinking method that has gained a little popularity these days.

By the way,The point is to wait for a while after splitting the water,. It is recommended because the familiarity of water and liquor gets better.

・ Soba hot water split

Soba-yu split has a strong image of shochu, but in fact, sake is also good!

The sweetness of soba and the deliciousness of sake complement each other, and the scent of soba drifts softly from the scent of sake.I can't accumulate. A little bit as you likeSalt and shichimiIt is delicious even if you put it.

・ Dashi split

A really innovative way to drink oden dashi and sakeThere is also. Even if you are a sake lover, there are many people who have never experienced this.

The famous restaurant that serves this dashi split is a standing bar in Akabane, Tokyo."Maruken Suisan".

Akabane is a deep sacred place for Mercenary, where many taverns that can be drunk cheaply in the daytime, such as Senbero (a shop where you can get drunk with 1000 yen). Some are open from early morning and some are open 24 hours!

Sake Dashi-wari is one of the popular back menus of “Maruken Suisan”. When you have finished drinking about half of the cup, you can take the oden dashi.

The salty bonito dashi brings out the umami and sweetness of sake and matches it so well. It is also GOOD to apply the seven tastes to your liking! With a tangy accent, you can enjoy the taste of different expressions.

・ Squid sake liquor

The cuttlefish body was processed into the shape of a bottle of sake, the name of which is "squid bottle of sake". When hot sake is poured into this sake bottle, the flavor of squid melts and spreads, and the scent and flavor of squid are transferred to the sake.

After using several times, squid bottles can be eatenIt ’s Miso. If you drink squid soaked with sake, you can quickly turn into a snack.One delicious twiceIt ’s a sake bottle full of value.

By the way, because Tokutoshi is processed using individual squid, sometimes a little liquor may leak, but this is also loving. Please enjoy the whole experience with the depth of drinking.

・ Hinshu

A style of pouring hot sake in a cup with fins, such as blowfish, that have been squeezed into a fox color..

It's a popular way of drinking that is often found in bar menus.Cover and steam for about 3 minutes, and the fragrance and flavor of the fins will move to sake..

If you have other hot pot dishes in the cold season, it will be great! It ’s a drink that gives you a moment to feel that it ’s really good to be born to a Japanese.

When making at home,Bake is better than pure rice sake.. Pure rice sake can be a bit pungent if you use it, so please try this brew first.

Also, if you find it difficult or difficult to burn a fin,Use a simple motoAnd easy.

Recommended is the home of Torafugu, Amakusa Marine (Kami Amakusa City, Kumamoto Prefecture)"Fried Tofu-Fugu Fried Fin". Because it is finished with far-red smoke processing, you can fully enjoy the original aroma and flavor of grilled fins.

・ Bone wine

Drinking a hot pot in a bowl containing roasted char or a bowlis. The extract of dashi from fish moves to sake, which is savory and delicious.

As for the liquor to use, cheap pack liquor and cup liquor are enough. Rather, it is recommended.

In order to make it easy to put the whole fish, a horizontal type of sake bottle shaped like a fish is also made. It is an inevitable rare item that plays an active role as a booster when drinking in a large group of friends.

・ Various other things! The possibilities of changing sake are endless

There are more variations of sake!

When using seafood,"Derabella"Because if you are a drinker, you want to try it once.

Debera is a fish that can be said to be a winter feature in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture..

Put the spatula lightly in a cup and pour the hot water over it. Please try it if you go to Onomichi.

By the way, the love of the Onomichi people is quite deep. A local hero named “Doberaman”, not officially recognized by Onomichi but authorized by the mayor of Onomichi, was born. The owner of the dry food store is struggling with the cover of the bellows to promote the charm of the bellows.

And do n’t forget"Shell".

After you finish eating the crab shell (it is recommended if you leave a little crab miso, it will be delicious)..

It ’s hot to hold in your hand,Let's drink directly from the shell while being careful of burns. We are sure that you will be able to enjoy the crab flavor.

Besides,"Konbu Sake"There will also be.

As it appeared in NHK's morning drama “Feast”, it became known at once. How to make is very simple.Just add kelp to sake and warm it slowly in a hot water bath.

In the days when the quality of sake was not as good as it was today, it was wisdom to enjoy the taste of sake more mellowly. Dashi is deliciousBy soaking it in sake, the umami ingredients start to melt.It seems to.

This kelp liquor upgrades cheap liquor to fine liquor. When your wallet situation is a little tight, such as before your payday, you are very thankful.

Aside from seafood, it ’s a unique place"Imo Sake"I will introduce you.

Because it is a way of drinking that appeared in "Konpeira Crime Book", you may know if you are a Shotaro Ikenami fan.To make it, dip a small slice of yam in hot water, rub it carefully in a mortar, and put warm sake into it.. There are plenty of yam and it seems to be very spirited.

In addition to these, add umeboshi to sake"Umeboshi"And put salted cherry leaves"Sakura Sake"There are many more delicious ways to drink.

I'm afraid of the ingenuity of the ancestors. That's why sake was an indispensable existence.

Modern Japan where you can get ingredients and drinks from all over the world. It seems fun to find new interesting combinations and think about original sake.