Izakaya clerk recommending sake

People who drink appropriate amounts of alcoholic beverages such as beer and whiskey every day are said to be healthier and live longer than those who do not drink. that is,

  • Alcohol reduces stress
  • can relax
  • Increase appetite

This is the reason.

However, there are alcoholic beverages that can do much better. That

Is sake.

In this article,

  • Effects of sake on the skin
  • Effects of sake on health
  • Which is the right amount of sake to become healthy?

Is explained.

While enjoying the deep taste of sake while protecting the proper amount, let's aim to make beautiful skin, improve health, and eventually healthier life!

Skin effect of sake

No matter how much you drink sake, you never get bored.

  1. Some are dry and some are dry
  2. Degree of umami ingredient varies by brand
  3. Different alcohol levels
  4. There are new sakes and long-term aged sakes
  5. There is also a fresh flavored sake that does not fire.
  6. The taste depends on the rice used
  7. The taste varies depending on the type of koji, how to make a sake mother, and how to squeeze

This is because there are so many different types that there is no sharpness.

Sake amino acids make your skin shiny

A woman who smiles by touching her cheek

Among them, 2 says that it is good for your skin.Umami ingredients".

The umami ingredients are organic acids such as succinic acid and amino acids. In particular, "serine" contained in amino acids is the main component of natural moisturizing factor (NMF), which retains moisture and oil in the stratum corneum and strengthens the skin barrier function.

NMF, which I had enough when I was a baby, decreases with age, and dryness, spots and fine lines increase. But you don't have to give up here and buy expensive cosmetics. Let's taste sake deliciously and happily, and regain the moist skin like a baby!

To that end, choosing sake with a lot of amino acids is more effective for your skin.

Japanese sake with low amino acids and Japanese sake

Amino acids are made by the process of fermenting the protein. Daiginjo

The rice is polished and most of the protein on the surface of the rice has been removed. So there are few amino acids, the taste is light and the aftertaste is clean.

On the other hand, pure rice sake made with less polished rice has protein remaining, so it has a lot of amino acids and has a delicious taste.

So, I investigated what brands sake has few amino acids and sake with plenty of amino acids.

Brands with very few amino acids

The rice used for ginjo and daiginjo has been polished to remove protein. Therefore, a small amount of amino acids. It may be insufficient for your skin ...

Akita Sake BreweryYamatoshizukuJunmai Daiginjo Shizukurekihara has an amino acid content of 0.6. According to the National Tax Agency's "Results of the National Sake Alcohol Survey (FY28 Survey)", the average amino acid content of sake in Japan is 1.25. It's easy to imagine how the 0.6 Yamato drop is tasteless and elegant and never gets tired.

Yamatozuku's squeezing is a method of hanging in a bag without using a machine. A collection of drops that fall with natural gravity. It is the most time-consuming and requires the least amount of sake to be squeezed, but there is less miscellaneous taste than squeezing under pressure and you can taste only the best part of sake.

In addition, it is bottled as it is, without any “hydrolysis” that would normally be performed, and even without burning.

Standing incense like melon. The clean and crisp incense can only be said to be exquisite. It's a high-quality sake that you can't paint on your face or have a sake bath. Although it has the smallest amino acid content, it is a brand that you would like to have for your sake.

Now, what kind of brand is sake with the highest amino acid content compared to sake with the lowest amino acid content?

The sake for Yamatozuku with an amino acid level of 0.6 is a raw sake with an amino acid level of 7.0!

Brands with the highest number of amino acids “Kaiharu Kanbun no Ikumoto Kiso Preparation”

A very sweet sake with a high amino acid content of 7.0 and a sugar content of -90. As you know, the sugar content becomes dry as the positive value increases, and the sweetness increases as the negative value increases.

According to the National Tax Agency's “National Commercial Liquor Survey Results (for the survey in FY Heisei 28)”, the average degree of sake is + 3.5 to + 4.6. It's almost dry. Among them, the “Haru Harumoto Motoki-Kanfumi Hirofumi no Uta”, which is unique, is super sweet with the techniques of the Edo period.

(* For those who prefer a sweeter sake, there is also a sake degree-120 "Kaiharu Hirofumi's Bamboo Ginger Maki Kiso Aging"! Although the amino acid level is 6.0 ...)

Amino acid content is 11.6 times higher than “Yamatozuku Junmai Daiginjo Kojiri Ikuhara Sake”!

Even women who are not good at dryness can drink instead of dessert if they are so sweet and full of amino acids.

If you replenish amino acids from the inside of your body, let's enjoy the amino acid effect from the outside.

In addition to the sake introduced, pure rice sake has a relatively high amino acid content. After drinking, just apply the liquor left in the glass to your face and hands. It will moisturize with the action of amino acids ♪

Moist whole body in sake bath

If you feel a little scared to apply sake directly to your skin, why don't you start with a sake bath?

Sake for sake baths with increased amino acid content is also on sale. For example, “Yuyu Mitsu” from Suehiro Sake Brewery.

See reviews

  • A long-lasting feeling
  • Blood circulation improved and I could sleep well
  • Waste was removed so that the bathtub was dirty

Etc. have been evaluated.


See the sake bath on Amazon

Α-Glucosylglycerol from sake makes collagen

Α-Glucosylglycerol contained in sake is one of the umami ingredients. Mr. Tsuji, who makes sake, is white and free of stains because of the whitening effect of α-glucosylglycerol.

Fortunately, α-glucosylglycerol has

  • Produces collagen and hyaluronic acid that restores the firmness and elasticity of the skin and promotes skin regeneration
  • Reduce melanin pigment

It is ideal for anti-aging your skin! It is.

However, α-glucosylglycerol is not equally contained in all sake. The content of α-glucosylglycerol is

  • For sake with brewed alcohol, 7.3 ± 2.5mg / ml
  • For pure rice sake without brewed alcohol, 15.0 ± 2.6mg / ml

Has become.

In order to know the amino acid content contained in sake, the “amino acid content” written on the label on the back is helpful. However, amino acid levels are not listed in all sake because there is no obligation to label them.

Similarly, the amount of α-glucosylglycerol is not listed.

When you are wondering which sake to choose for your skin, it seems safer to choose pure rice sake for the time being.

Hair growth effect of sake

Woman touching hair

Sake contains a nucleic acid called adenosine.

Adenosine has the function of preventing blood vessel contraction and smoothing blood flow. By promoting blood circulation, body temperature is likely to rise, and “IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor)” is also easily secreted.

IGF-1 is one of the important hormones that promotes the division and growth of tissue cells and repairs and improves damaged tissues. Therefore, it can also be expected as a measure against hair growth and growth and hair loss.

Adenosine, which enhances the IGF-1 effect, is more abundant in sake than other sake. You should drink sake for hair growth and beauty.

The health benefits of sake

A woman whose body gets cold and cold

Coldness and hypothermia that many women are worried about. An increasing number of people are unable to let go of cardigans and socks even in summer.

Such a person is counterproductive when drinking beer, whiskey, or barley shochu. Hot summer beer and highballs are delicious, but they are a shade-type liquor that cools you down. Shaoxing liquor, plum wine and apricot liquor are also shaded because white sugar is added. When body temperature falls below 37 ° C, the enzymes in the body weaken and the physical condition deteriorates, so you should choose alcohol carefully.

In addition, it is said that every time body temperature decreases by 1 ° C, immunity decreases by 30%. It is important to note that a decrease in body temperature can cause serious diseases such as cancer.

Drinking sake increases your body temperature

I explained that sake contains a lot of adenosine, but adenosine is not only good for hair growth.

It improves blood circulation and raises body temperature, so coldness, stiff shoulders, and back pain are alleviated.

Also, the sumo wrestling skin looks shiny and shiny. Could I ask the reason.

There is an experiment in which wrestlers drank sake and whiskey to measure this change and measured changes in body temperature.

As a result, the body temperature after drinking, which is 35.7 before drinking, rises to 38.1 ℃ for Japanese sake and stops at 36.1 ℃ for whiskey. From this, you can see that sake increases body temperature.

The skin is like a mirror that clearly shows the state of the internal organs. The wrinkles of the wrestler's skin are also thanks to the effect of increasing the body temperature of sake that we drink regularly. The internal organs will be fine enough to appear on the skin.

Body temperature management is fundamental to health. While enjoying an appropriate amount of sake, warm your cold body and rejuvenate your internal organs.

Sake suppresses the cause of aging, saccharification

Women say that sake suppresses saccharification, the cause of aging

There is no doubt that the cause of aging is getting older. Recently, however, it is believed that there is a cause of aging other than getting older, and the actual situation has been elucidated.

Actually, the cause of aging was glycation.

Some people look young at the same age and others look old. Saccharification is also the answer to the question of why you can make a difference even if you are the same age.

So what exactly is “saccharification”?

In simple terms, the protein in the body is altered by the combination of protein in the body and the sugar from the diet. Glycated proteins gradually deteriorate, and in the process, they become advanced glycation products (AGEs) and further age the body.

Proteins are also found on the skin and make up the stratum corneum, collagen, and elastin. When skin protein is saccharified, it will fall into a so-called "burning" condition.

Burning symptoms are

  • Dull skin
  • Yellowish skin color
  • Deeply wrinkled wrinkles
  • By saccharification, the function of the antioxidant enzyme declines and stains occur

Such. A terrible situation is waiting for the girls.

Not only that. Women are known to be more prone to osteoporosis at menopause, but glycation affects bone collagen and hardens bone. Even if the bone mass is sufficient, the risk of fracture increases with glycation.

Is there a way to prevent glycation that causes aging, burning, and fractures?

To prevent glycation, it is common to refrain from taking carbohydrates, but there is another prevention method.

That is drinking sake.

Some people think that sake is a saccharide because it contains sugar, but the results of experiments have demonstrated that sake has an anti-glycation effect that prevents saccharification.

As long as sake fans are happy, drinking the right amount of sake can prevent saccharification, prevent scalp, osteoporosis, and even delay aging!

The right amount of sake prevents dementia

Sake is not a big drink. The correct answer is to drink a little while enjoying the aroma and taste of high-quality sake.

This is because drinking a large amount of water loses the water in the blood, clogs blood vessels, makes it easier to cause cerebral infarction, etc., and increases the probability of developing vascular dementia.

However, some studies show that people who drink 1 to 5 grams of alcohol have a lower Alzheimer risk than those who do not drink.

There is also a follow-up study that people who did not drink alcohol during the middle age were at 45% higher risk for Alzheimer's than those who drank the right amount of alcohol.

... and in this article, I wrote "appropriate amount, proper amount", but what exactly is the proper amount of sake?

Know the appropriate amount of sake that does not harm your health and supports your health

Pour sake

Do you know how much and how long our bodies can break down alcohol?

We will not introduce complicated calculation formulas because they are cumbersome, but we have found a site that can easily calculate them.

Know your proper amount of alcohol

The site is "hangover.hajime123.net".

On this site, for example, if a person who has weight of 50kg and is strong in liquor goes out in a car after 1 hours, you can instantly know that you can drink 15ml of sake with an alcohol content of 70, so it is very convenient!

(* Since there are individual differences in the ability to decompose the liver, this is only a calculated value.)

In a UK study, the healthy amount of alcohol per 1 week is 14 units. The 1 unit has 8g because the amount of alcohol is 112g. Drinking alcohol over this amount is harmful to health.

When calculating from the site introduced earlier, people who are conscious of alcohol and who have a weight of 50kg can drink 15ml of sake with 1 alcohol in 950 weeks.

Therefore, if you calculate 6 days excluding the rest period, you will have 1g of alcohol per 18.6 day, and you can drink about 158ml of sake.

However, a study by China Ocean University

  • Risk of becoming Alzheimer decreases if 1 daily alcohol intake is below 12.5g
  • Alcohol consumption above 38g increases risk
  • 6g alcohol has the lowest risk


I understood that.

Then, the appropriate amount of sake is about 100ml to reduce Alzheimer's risk. This is when the alcohol content is 15 and the alcohol intake is 11.9g.

If you want to reduce the risk, you should reduce the amount of sake you drink on 1 days to 50ml.

In contrast, “Health Japan 21” of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare

“For Japanese people with normal alcohol metabolism ability, disseminate knowledge that the average daily pure alcohol is about 20g as“ moderate and moderate drinking ”

It is said.

Now, do you assume that the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is correct, the amount recommended by Chinese studies is too small?

Or do you want to maintain good health while tasting only a small amount of fine sake?

Summary: Sake is a double-edged sword

Holding a sword

I have listed the effects of sake. In addition to amino acids and α-glucosylglycerol, sake contains vitamin B6, which is necessary for skin regeneration, and peptides that increase metabolism.

However, everything is effective because it is the right amount.

It is delicious so you can see how much you want to drink.

Sake is a double-edged sword. While useful for beauty and health, it also has danger.

Remember when you drink sake!

