Q. How long does it take to receive the product after placing an order?
Standard stock items can be shipped on the same day for orders up to 13 on weekdays. (Ship directly from Niigata)
For ordered products, each product is provided with an estimated delivery date (number of orders).
This does not apply to full-order name sake, reserved items, and (when 6 month, 12 month is crowded).

Q. What is airmail?
Airmail is a next-day delivery service limited to delivery to Hokkaido and Kyushu.
By paying the shipping fee of 1,000 yen (tax included), it will be possible to deliver from Niigata the next day.
However, payment will be by credit card or bank transfer (after payment is confirmed). Price exchange cannot be used.
Also, since cool flights cannot be used, it will be shipped at room temperature, so please refrain from using air mail for delicate products such as sake.
IMPORTANT: If you wish to have an air mail, please add "1,000 yen approval.

Q. Can I specify the arrival date and time zone of the product?
Of course delivery date can also be specified. You can specify up to 2 months in advance.
Please be assured that the product will be stocked with sake packed just before shipping. (Except for limited editions) 

Q. What happens if I purchase a stock item and a stock item at the same time?
If you purchase several sakes at the same time and there are mixed items from the brewery, the items will be delivered and shipped when all the products are ready. In addition, if there are 1 free shipping items among the multiple items, all will be delivered free of charge.
If you wish to post-ship only the order item, it will be possible by paying a separate shipping fee.
Even if free shipping items are mixed, 1 shipping will be charged.

Q. I don't want an invoice or statement that shows the amount of money as it is a gift.
Unless otherwise requested, we do not issue statements or invoices from the viewpoint of resource protection.
For this reason, the details will be replaced with an "E-mail confirming the contents of the order".
If you wish to request a statement / receipt separately, please feel free to contact us when you place an order.
Enclosed when the product is delivered to the orderer, and if it is a gift for the other party, it will be mailed to the orderer without being enclosed. 

Q. I would like a receipt to be issued.
Please specify the address and proviso from the remarks column of the order screen [STEP3].
Enclosed when the product is delivered to the orderer, and if it is a gift for the other party, it will be mailed to the orderer without being enclosed. 

Q. I want to send a couple's name, or a husband (wife) name (I want to change the orderer).
You can also change your name. Please fill in the remarks column when ordering. Of course, a joint name is also possible.
(Example) Shopping is the name of my wife (I), but the giver is the master and the delivery destination is the manager of the owner's company. Such. 

Q. I'm ordering from overseas.
Even if the ordering company resides overseas, delivery to Japan is possible.

* Credit cards issued overseas may not be accepted. (In that case, please contact us directly)
* Cash on delivery is only possible if the recipient has already approved. (Please be sure to indicate that)
* Bank transfers are not accepted due to remittance fees. (Possible only when the agent is transferring from within Japan)


Q. Please tell me the business hours.
Our shop opening hours are from 9 am.

Telephone reception time is until the basic 18 time, and the correspondence after that will be connected to the staff mobile phone by transfer and 24 time will be supported.
(Since it is mobile, you may not be able to leave. In that case, please call again after a while.)

TEL: 025-378-2631, FAX: 025-378-2632
Orders on the Internet are accepted for 24 hours!


Q. In what packaging will the products be delivered?
Depending on the shape and quantity of the product, wrap each product in cushioning material (bubble wrap),
We will put it in a cardboard box and pack it with cushioning material.
* All items will be delivered in double packaging. 

Q. How should I store my products?
As for storage, there is no problem if it is refrigerated because it is sake, but if it is a place where it is not exposed to light and cool (room without heating, entrance, kitchen), etc., it can be kept at room temperature for a short period of time. Then there is no problem in quality.
* Avoid locations where the temperature is very high, such as midsummer. In that case, please store in the refrigerator.
* Please keep refrigerated after opening. As with any liquor, we recommend that you open it as soon as possible (about 1 months).
In the case of long-term storage and summer, please refrigerate.


Q. I don't receive an order confirmation email.
Please contact us by e-mail or phone.

For orders and inquiries, we will always contact you by email.

During busy periods, responses may be delayed than usual due to the concentration of orders.
As a rule, we will send you an email within one business day.

In addition, even if the customer has not set the spam mail, there are many cases where it is automatically distributed to the spam mail by the setting of the provider. Please check once more.
In particular, please check once again for docomo mail and Yahoo! mail.
Customers ordering via mobile are requested to authorize our domain.
Our domain is “maboroshinosake.com”.